When Stephanie (of the Yarn Harlot) challenges her readers to anything, hundreds of us respond. Witness the TSF from last year - $83,000 and still growing.
Now, she has issued another challenge for which hundreds of us are signing up. The Knitting Olympics - the gist is that we will all cast on a challenging project on the day of the Opening Ceremonies (February 10th), and the project will be completed by the Closing Ceremonies (February 26th). And because
But I'm not doing this alone - oh no. J. of CanKNITian and I will be making the Hurry Up Spring armwarmers at the same time. This stems from a discussion we had about the fact we both bought Noro (a type of Japanese yarn) over the holidays to make the same thing. This evolved into a discussion about possibly doing a mini-knit-a-long with this (for all y'all non-knitters: a knit-a-long is when a group of knitting bloggers all work on similar projects, and post pictures and progress reports on their blogs).
However, once we heard about the Knitting Olympics, our purpose was clear - roll our mini-knit-a-long into this bigger knit-a-long, and give it a clever Olympic-sport related name. Oddly, we both said "curling!" at the same time. And because we are one complete sane person between the two of us, we're opening it up to anyone else who wants to join. Naturally, there is a button.

If you want to join, email either me (rlarocque *at* gmail dot com) or J (canknitian *at* gmail dot com).