Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Spring is springing up all over

I wish I could do a fabulous recap of my trip home like Dave did with his trip to BC, but you're stuck with this succinct wrap-up:

BBQ. Tipsy American Idol. Rain. Home. Kittens. Old work visit. Made dinner. Movie. Funny cat moment. Everyone's home. Poker. Kittens. Movie. Shopping trip. BBQ. More Poker. More movies. Church. Breakfast. Pie making. Dinner at the grandparents. Family! Pie eating (and overeating). More movies. Kittens. Packing. Travel. Dropping off forgotten items. Owen Sound. Vegging. Homemade ravioli. Travel. Travel. Brunch. Travel. Unpacking. Crash. The end.

(I will expand on one of the funnier moments of the trip. We've created a very special new hand in poker - the Rebecca Straight. It's when you have three or four cards in a row, or almost have a legit straight, but are missing a card somewhere in the order. You don't actually win anything for a Rebecca Straight, but do get a hand named after you.)

The weather in Sudbury is just stunning, but I can't help but be suspicious - I'm waiting for the last surprise snowfall. Don't laugh - it could happen! It was so nice tonight, in fact, that I walked my route twice tonight.

The other reason I did that was because I was getting caught up on the first three episodes of Canada Reads. You can download the episodes, which are available as podcasts after they air. I listened to the first two episodes while I walked, laughing at inopportune moments as I walked through the subdivision where I go, and the third while I made supper. The panel is great, although I though Scott Thompson was a bit of an ass when his book (Cocksure) got eliminated. I dearly love Maureen McTeer, and have a new appreciation of Susan Musgrave, who I'd never given much thought to before.

It's too late for me to do or say much else, but I will leave you with the reminder that not all of the titles or artists have been guessed in the first line meme. I'll post the answers on Friday.