Raspberry Alpaca wristwarmers:
I'm almost finished the second one - I'm past the thumb hole and the end is nigh. No pictures, however. Oh, what the hell - there's a nice snow drift on my balcony.

There. See?
Knitting Olympics
I have swatched the yarn I will be using. I have swatched the pattern. The only thing left to do is cast any time after 2PM.
Damn it - I've been spelling it with only two O's, and apparently, there are three. My bad. Anyhoodle...
If you go here, you can see a list of all 606

Purty, ain't it? It's Lorna's Laces in Gold Hill that I got at Lettuce Knit last February, and I've been holding onto it since then. I think this is a good excuse to use it.
But I do have a confession - even though I'm in the beginner group, I've made two pair of socks and am working on the third. However, the first went well, the second were too loose, and the third have pretty much stalled on the needles (which is a shame, because I need them to knit this yarn - yikes!)
Right - that was fairly painless, wasn't it?