Sunday, November 28, 2004

A night at the movies

Last night, Karen, Karen's friend Kris(tina), fellow-Dal-alumni-and-Sudbury-resident Lise and I went to see Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. It was okay - there were a few genuinely funny bits - like the fountain scene and the scene where she teaches the women in the Thai jail to sing "Like a Virgin" - but overall, it was kind of "meh." I don't generally "do" chick flicks because they annoy the bejezus out of me, but the group of us were going slightly stir crazy and wanted to see a movie. It wasn't that I didn't like it, but I don't think I need to see it again or even read the book now.

The previews were long and slightly dull. Here's what I thought (because I know you want to know what I was thinking) :
  • Meet the Fockers - um, no. I'd rather not, thanks. Dustin Hoffman scares me a little. Also, De Niro looks past his "best before" date. Just sayin'.

  • Hide and Seek - oh look - more De Niro, looking slightly less dried up. And - awww! Dakota Fanning is all Goth! She's what - 10? Nice to see Hollywood is making the kids cynical and pessimistic earlier.

  • The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - I love Wes Anderson. His movies are quirky and weird, and often have the coolest soundtracks. I can't wait for this one.

  • Finding Neverland - I don't remember this. (I called Karen and asked her what previews we saw, but I don't remember seeing this preview. Also, she said to make sure that I mentioned that the previews were, like, half an hour long, and mostly car commercials*)

Additionally, I was floored - nay, shocked! - to discover that Karen's a fan of the Blade movies. So we are most certainly going to see Blade: Trinity when it comes out. We did the Lame White Girl Posse knuckle-tap-thing to seal the plan. (It was at this point Kris and Lise began to question the wisdom of being seen in public with us.) I think we all agreed that Ocean's Twelve looks like fun, the poster for the new Star Wars film is cool, and that Johnny Depp will be a very interesting Willy Wonka.

Afterwards, we retired to Tim Hortons, where Kris got scared by an extra-smiley chocolate chip smile cookie (it was seriously freaky).

(* For the Canadians - have you seen the new Bell commercial where the guy looses oranges down the stairs and two girls help him pick them up, and then he holds the subway door open for the old lady - the "pay it forward" concept commercial? From now on, start calling it the "pick up an orange, get a toy" commercial. 'Cause, that's what it comes down to, really.)