Saturday, November 13, 2004

Why I'm not (and won't be) blogging about work

Quite a few people who have blogs (and whose blogs I love) talk about their day jobs, along with other things. That's fine and cool - sometimes, that's why I read them.

But you'll note that I rarely - if ever - talk about my job. Oh, I might mention co-workers current (Hi Karen! Hi Jeff!) and past (Hi Robin!), but I won't talk about the specifics.

I am trained as a Librarian - I refer to myself as that, even though that's not my job title right now. It's just a lot easier to say "I'm a Librarian who works with other librarians" than try and explain what a Library Consultant (not actually my job title either) does. Since I graduated with my MLIS from Dalhousie in 2001, I've worked in a few different jobs, some of which included the word "Librarian" in the title, but basically I was always working in a library-type environment. But now I'm working in an office, and the job is slightly different. So why not?

1. Privacy of our clients. We work with a specific type of library in Northern Ontario. Not that anyone besides the organization and our clients would be interested in what we're doing, but I'm not going to talk about what I'm doing for a specific client(s) because the conversations I have with them are confidential, as far as I'm concerned.

2. Privacy of my co-workers. I love the people I work with - they're a good bunch. We have weekly meetings where everyone gets updated on what everyone else is doing, but again, not really of interest to anyone else but us. I respect their personal and professional privacy by not talking about them or their work.

Karen and Robin are exceptions. Robin and I started at roughly the same time, but she left in September. Karen still works for the organization. Both of them are friends I hang out with outside the office, so I will occasionally mention them. However, I don't talk about what they do at work since I'm respecting their professional privacy.

4. Privacy of the organization. We do stuff. The people we do stuff for know it. What goes on behind closed doors stays there.

5. This is a personal blog. This isn't a professional blog, where I'd post stuff targeted towards the clients. If/when I start a blog that is work-related (updates, articles, help, etc.) I will not be linking to here from there, and I will not be linking to there from here. I am making a conscious effort to keep my professional and personal lives separate. Here, I can post about stuff that amuses me (and my family, for the most part.)

6. It's boring. Really? You'd start snoring if all I did was talk about work. I can pretty much summarize my workday thusly: get to work, change the message on my voice mail, check my email, do stuff, have lunch, do more stuff, and go home. There you have it - the exciting life of a Library Consultant in an nutshell. I'm doing you a favour - trust me.