Thursday, November 11, 2004

We Remember

Today is Remembrance Day in Canada and other parts of the Commonwealth, and Veteran's Day in the U.S.

Today is the day I remember my Pepere, James Larocque, who fought in the Second World War. He never spoke about his experience, but he talked about some of it just before he passed away. He was stationed in London, which was difficult for him since he didn't speak any English at the time. Eventually, he learned English, and was in fact engaged to an Englishwoman for a while. In the end, he couldn't bring her back to Canada. The village he was from and where my Dad was born is in an isloated corner of Northeastern New Brunswick. It's not so bad now, but sixty years ago it would have been much harder to travel there.

He didn't say much about the fighting, except that he was at Normandy on D-Day, in the second wave. When they saw what was happening, they turned back.

To my Pepere and all the other vetrans of all the other wars - thank you.