What I've accomplished so far:
- Sleeping in an extra 45 minutes (so I woke up at 6:45 instead of 6)
- Getting up, showering
- Dropping off my rent cheque
- Breakfast
- TV (including watching Better Off Dead and decided I'd have been better off doing something else. It's not my favourite John Cusack movie.)
- Talking to my mother
Usually when I have time off, I know *exactly* what I want to do with every minute, and I schedule the hell out of it, and love it. This time? Not so much. I want to read and watch videos and knit and play with the template of the blog* and not sweat too much.
Sounds like a plan.
(Update: Okay, here's what I have on the new template so far. It's not pretty by any means, but I'm quite please how it's going, considering I'm basically self-taught when it comes to CSS, and playing with the code is mostly a process of trial and error.)
*Yeah, I've been threatening to do this since, what? November? This time, I think I really mean it!