So I did a lot of knitting and movie watching this weekend. First, the knitting.
I made Karen a scarf for her birthday last month, and I just finished weaving in the ends yesterday, so I'll bring it to her tomorrow.

I also finished a mitten I made last January, but ended up having to frog because the thumb started to unravel. There will be no pictures of this mitten, because it looks nothing like its mate. I don't even know what pattern I used to finish off the top of the first because it looks nothing like the top of the second.

Proving that I'm a sucker for punishment, I've started a second pair of mittens using some leftover Lopi Denise gave me a few weeks ago.

I'm going to make these with a cable on the back. There isn't much there right now, but this is what the first twist looks like:

One more project - it's a scarf that was going to be a basketweave scarf, but I frogged it and will be making a

This is the one I'm going to take with me to work on during lunch this week.
Now, enough knitting!
Movie stuff. Happy birthday, Michael Vartan. Frankly, I don't understand your appeal, but lots of women (and quite a few men) drool over you constantly, so maybe it's just a matter of taste, I guess.
Updated, Monday morning: Okay, those were really crappy reviews. I was tired, impatient, and having trouble typing (see reasons 1 and 2). I was also struggling with trying to recap all my knitting, all the movies I watched, the two pizzas I made, and wanting to write 500 more words on my story so I'd be over 20,000 words (didn't happen - boo), so I was also overwhelmed. I'll try and do better reviews of the movies tonight. For now, though, I will say to anyone who read the review of Constantine, even though I complained it seemed slightly too long, I rather enjoyed it.
A teaser of sorts: the movies I watched this weekend were
The Animatrix
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
Child Star