Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Update from the Birthday Girl

Thanks to everyone who emailed me and called me yesterday! I officially turned 29 at sometime around 2pm yesterday afternoon.

I haven't posted about the festivities yet, so I'll start with the weekend. Sunday morning I went to my first group rehearsal for the dance recital in May. Afterwards, I went home and had a nap and overslept, meaning I had to rush to shower and change in order to pick up Karen. The two of us plus Jenny went to see Hotel Rwanda at the cheap movie theater downtown which is also showing arthouse films a couple of days a week (can I tell you how irritated I am that I'm missing Sideways next week?) It was a powerful movie, one that left all three of us with a lot of questions and topics for discussion afterwards. And nightmares.

We tried to go to three restaurants for supper - Cafe Korea, the Mexican restaurant by the Farmer's Market, and 100 Georges - but they were all closed. In the end, we went to Montana's, which was pretty deserted but our waitress was lots of fun, except when I had to wear the antlers while they sang the birthday song.

Monday - boring. We did win at curling, so "woo-hoo!" to us :)

Yesterday was glorious. The sun was shining and it was lovely outside; my birthday gift to y'all! I spent the day alternately reading and doing stuff in the kitchen, which was exactly what I wanted to do. I finished three books, made strawberry mango sherbert, and shortcakes, and went for a walk. Very relaxing, all in all.

Now I'm back to work for two days, and then off for Easter. Ahhh.....