Sunday, May 29, 2005

The Gadget Princess makes a discovery

Over the past week, I've developed a fond relationship with my new iPod mini. I brought it with me last week, although I was disappointed how fast the battery runs out. One of the major reasons I bought it was so that I wouldn't have to lug my discman and case of CDs with me every time I went on a road trip. To this end, I also got the iTrip for my long journeys. Essentially, the iTrip broadcasts a signal on an empty radio frequency so you can listen to your iPod through the car's stereo. Brilliant!

I didn't have time to set it up last Monday, so I installed the program this morning. To test it, I set it up to broadcast through my stereo in my apartment - and it works! I can now listen to my mp3 collection without having to turn my computer on!

However, when I tried to get it to work in my car this morning, I ran into a problem. Even though there aren't many radio stations in Sudbury, there seems to be a lot of blending, so that I had a hard time finding an empty frequency. Or I wasn't setting it up properly. One or the other. So I tried plugging the iPod into the tape deck thingy for the discman, and lo and behold, that works with the iPod as well!

The moral of this story is that, even if I can't get the iTrip to work in my car, it has household uses. The second moral of this story is that, even if I can't get the iTrip to work in my car, I do have another device to make it work.